Almost there...

Discover How To Feel Strong & Confident With The C-section Belly Pooch

Without Fad Food Diets and Surgery

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By entering your email address, you agree to receive emails from Nicole Alfred (including my newsletter, as well as promotional offers and announcements)

Inclusivity Policy: We welcome everyone who has experienced a cesarean birth-no matter how you identify. 

I primarily work with mothers (we use the words mother and woman in our content) AND everyone is welcome here. 

What You'll Learn With This Free PDF

Secret #1

How to X Without Y So You Can Z

Secret #2

How to X Without Y So You Can Z

Secret #3

How to X Without Y So You Can Z

Hi, I’m Nicole Alfred.

I am a C-section Recovery Coach and RMT.

In 2014, I gave birth to my first baby by emergency c-section. I was upset about how I birthed my child and felt so lost when it came to recovery. I didn’t like my scar or the look of how my stomach would hang over it like a shelf. I felt out of shape and disconnected from my new postpartum body.

After navigating recovery on my own, I was able to rehabilitate my core, build the strength back in my body and learn how to accept the changes that came with pregnancy and cesarean birth.

Where should we send your guide?

By entering your email address, you agree to receive emails from Nicole Alfred (including my newsletter, as well as promotional offers and announcements)

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